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Grant Howard
Incredible 2 days put on by Brett Tanner and his crew! I'm always blown away by these events in the info provided and getting to learn from the best around the country. Brett took time to honor the first few who started this journey of this mastermind group and I'm honored to be part of that. This group has grown massively in a short amount of time. Dr. Kevin Leman, the author of one of my favorite books "The way of the Sheperd", poured knowledge into us about business, parenting, and marriage. Also turns out he is freakin
So grateful for this trip.

Ann Morton
Creative Financing and Deal structure conversations with brilliant minds --- Amazing past two days - Thank you Brett Tanner for all you bring to the table including Gary Keller, one of the most brilliant minds of our times!!!
Thank you Gary for reminding us: "A fool and their money are soon parted." Creative Financing and Deal Structure conversations!!

Nic Nicaud
Such a great few days with an incredible crew. Last year, I hitched my wagon to a group led by Brett Tanner and other KW agents across the country. Thankful for the knowledge and the relationships I've been fortunate to play a part in.
Hearing from legends in their field, such as Eddie Speed and THE Gary Keller, as well as meeting powerhouses in their own rights within the room.
Thank you, Austin TX, for being a great city. Brett and the whole KW Wealth gang, thank you for the time and all that you put in to provide an incredible experience for us all and an incredible environment to learn and grow.

Austin Carroll
Shout out to Brett Tanner and Gabi Brennesholtz for teaching us the 10 bii calculator. I had a client showing for an auto repair shop where we talked through and the seller wanted to owner finance, but they didn't know how to figure out the payments. I looked like a genius when I could pull out my calculator and within 30 seconds have them 3 different scenarios to work off of!
Real life applications of what we're learning!

Michele Robison
Brett Tanner I am so grateful you took a little bit of time to teach us the 10 bii calculator! After using it a little bit it's very simple however, I don't think I ever could've figured it out without your slow step by step guidance. I am reading Jimmy Napier's book Invest in Debt and your quick tutorial on how to use the calculator helps me flow right through his examples.
Thank you so much.

Matt Ingram
Reflecting on an amazing couple of days with Brett Tanner and the Be Wealthy crew. Being surrounded by Brett's wisdom and the strong relationships I've formed over the years with this community has truly been life-changing.
I'm so grateful for this journey and the opportunities it's brought me. Can't wait to take massive action and do it all again soon!

Robert Gaines
What an amazing week in Austin attending the KW Wealth Workshop and Masterminds! So blessed to be in this room and learning from the best of the best when it comes to building wealth. Seller financing, cost segregation, tax credits, note buying, and so much more!!! If you are with KW, then you really need to talk to me. This company is has a goal to help create 100,000 Millionaires. Does your company have a goal like that??? So excited to bring this information and more back to my team and to my coaching clients around the country!!!

Rosemarie Burghard Pellati
Great to learn from Gary Keller and Brett Tanner, whom I considered to be amongst the brightest in investment real estate and building wealth. Impactful few days! #kwwealth #mastermind
#learningisearning #legacy

Jennifer Reeder-Toomer Hay
Cost seg update success story:
My partner and I bought 8 doors between 2021 and 2022. Four single families in 2022 at roughly $60k each and one four plex in 2022 and $250k. Did not cost seg the first four the year we bought because we were sweet little dumb dumbs. Did cost seg all properties for 2022
Results: $74,500 depreciation on the four plex (thanks to bonus depreciation) $20,500 in the first four from 2021
Our accountant stopped and called tech support on the program and he used to input our data because he didn't believe the number could be that high. Tech support informed it absolutely was correct. He told us how smart we were and we said no- we just went to kw wealth.
Lesson learned: do it the year you buy for sure. It's ok. We are buying non stop so we won't make that mistake again.
Lesson learned: Split the $95k and we each have $47,500 which will zero out any taxes owed and we basically just got all our down payment back.
We are BUYING!
Thank you Brett Tanner for teaching us so much!

Will Sawyer
May I share a win? I'm so happy I could cry. Lol
I finished up 2022 with a record year. Super super blessed to have helped the number of families I did and sell what I sold last year amidst the craziness.
I was anticipating owing a little north of 100k in taxes and have asked my CPA to give me a heads up on what he though I would owe before he sent me the number so I could be sitting down when he sent it to me. Lol
He sent me the figure last night, and I only owe a little over 50k...
I owe a lot to Brett and Dan Hamilton (my OP) for introducing me to US tax advisors who ran a modeling cost seg on my rental properties and saved me roughly 40k in taxes.
Brett has time and time again said taxes are your biggest expense and we need to focus on how to reduce that burden. That one thing I did decreased my tax burden by roughly 40%
Here's to another great y'all.